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Wednesday Night Live - Spring Semester

WNL is for all ages! Preschool (2, 3, and 4 years old) enjoy Bible stories and learning early music skills with colored handbells. The Rev. Dr. Tara Bulger and Dr. Patricia Hacker will work with grade school children (K - 5th) to prepare them to be worship leaders on Children’s Sunday, April 13! Youth have lots of options like the new Homework/Hangout hour and Small Groups all centered around enjoying dinner together at the Youth Table. Adults are encouraged to attend the Jesus the Philospher study with the Rev. Dr. Richard Brooks! Everyone enjoys dinner together and seeing the children play the after-dinner game and circle up for closing songs. Join us!

February 2

"Walk with Me" Milestone with Baptism Education Workshop

February 9

PKC Meet Abe Lincoln event