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Support Kairos Weekend

First Presbyterian Church is supporting the “Inside Weekend” program of the Kairos Ministry at Limestone Correctional Institution over the Labor Day weekend, where 42 men will share homecooked meals, homemade cookies, and conversations with specifically trained volunteers. David Smith is being trained to participate in this way, and he invites our congregation to support this important ministry of faith. Look for a table in Fellowship Hall during the month of August with more information and needed materials. Bring donations back to that table by August 25. Cookies may be frozen in zip lock bags.

All ages can participate! Kids and Youth can make posters and placemats, and bake cookies, too! Find materials and instructions all throughout the month of August on a table in Fellowship Hall.

August 1

Sunday Worship 8/4/24

August 1

Prayer Vigil for the Kairos "Inside Weekend"